Going from good to great with BrevoPlus

Yumpingo used to collect survey data on devices in restaurants, but with the Covid-19 pandemic shutting down eat-in service, the team took the opportunity to realize their ambition of digitizing the process. After success with a Business plan, Yumpingo upgraded to BrevoPlus for expert assistance on the deliverability of its time-sensitive surveys to restaurant guests. In particular, the Yumpingo team struggled with Microsoft B2C delivery and open rates.

During onboarding, the Yumpingo team met their success manager and outlined their main goal for BrevoPlus: improving deliverability. On this issue, Andy, Chief of Staff at Yumpingo, recalls “the Brevo team helping us to make significant strides very quickly.”

Seeing deliverability and clicks climb

With the help of Brevo’s deliverability team, Yumpingo reconfigured its sending domains to align more closely with their brand. After warming up their new IP addresses, Yumpingo’s sender reputation quickly improved. Then, they saw open and click rates begin to climb. Most impressively, their Microsoft B2C open rate increased from 12.5% to nearly 35% after upgrading to BrevoPlus.

After reconfiguring its domains, Yumpingo increased open rates to Microsoft B2C addresses by 180% in the span of just 10 days. Reconfiguration also boosted Yumpingo’s deliverability to Yahoo email addresses, averaging more than 99%. After upgrading to BrevoPlus, Yumpingo’s email-to-survey click rate has increased by 14%, from 4.7% to 5.3%.

With this increase in survey click rate, Yumpingo’s clients benefit from better data, allowing them to further hone in on ways to improve the guest experience. Andy concluding by highlighting how “Brevo is absolutely key in allowing us to optimize the service we’re providing.”

Company Information

Yumpingo is a next-generation customer experience platform allowing restaurants to analyze guest feedback across every dish, shift, server, and service style. Restaurants collect guest feedback via Yumpingo’s dynamic One-Minute surveys, which uncover the 'why' behind customer experiences. Yumpingo's Smart Actions then identify key business opportunities and provide recommendations directly to the people who can affect change.

  • Industry: Hospitality
  • Company Size: 38
  • Location: Birmingham, UK
  • Website: yumpingo.com
  • Plan: BrevoPlus

Andy Walker, Chief of Staff at Yumpingo

“We try to engage as many guests as possible to understand what they’re experiencing, and Brevo is really key in helping us talk to those guests.”

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